Apply for Your Visa Invitation Letter
To apply for a Visa invitation letter for the 33rd IPMA World Congress, please follow the steps below:
Register for the Event: Before requesting a Visa invitation letter, you must first register for the event by purchasing a ticket, registering as a speaker, partner, etc.
Submit Your Request: Once you’ve registered, please contact the organiser via the contact form to request your Visa invitation letter.
Required Information
All participants requesting a Visa invitation letter must provide the following details:
Full name (as stated in the passport)
Date and place of birth
Copy of the valid passport
In some cases, additional information may be required.
To streamline the process, please fill out the form below with your Visa invitation details.
Participant Details:
Your full name:
Your email:
Confirm your email:
Are you:
IPMA Awards 2024 Finalist
Visa Invitation Letter Details (from your passport):
Full Name:
Passport Number:
Date of Birth (01.01.1991):
Attachment (copy of the valid passport)